A material with unparalleled qualities
The framework, with the thickness of the ribs, allows the formation of double bottoms and air cavities between the internal locks and the external planks. They recycle the air from below when the boat is submerged to create a natural environment that is always balanced and free from condensation, thus making your stay on board a pleasant one. The furnishings of the boat interior include about a thousand elements in solid mahogany and marine plywood. Structured, shaped, varnished and screwed to the hull framework, they can be completely dismantled with a screwdriver in the event of damage. Being able to fully dismantle the internal parts of the yacht, despite high labour costs, provides structural synergy with the highest elastic coefficient, which is superior to any other shipbuilding material and extremely useful for overcoming even the most severe conditions at sea.
Camuffo selects the best wood for naval use, i.e. wood that is most resistant to both fresh water, which is more hazardous, and sea water, and technological wood, which is hardened marine super-laminated wood for cladding the entire hull, decks and superstructures, due to their insulation, elastic coefficient, biological material and heat resistance without deforming. Moreover, they have a longer service life, thereby excluding any possibility of comparison with other materials for naval applications."